Page name: Apply to the crew [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-07 17:10:25
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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In Elfpack, everyone can do something. You can create wiki-pages that explain how to draw dragons or explain the physics behind why they can fly. Everyone can report members that don't follow the Elfpack Rules.

But some people want to have an official title. The problem is of course that we can't have 4711 Wardens here, and even a large amount of Guards and crew people would mean that it would be too big to actually do something.

But here is your chance to get the power, badges and all other fancy stuff that really shouldn't be the reason for why you apply to the crew!


What you need to do

1) You need a good general knowledge of Elfpack. If you can't handle everything about forums, polls, wiki-pages and don't know the Elfpack rules very well, then don't apply yet.
This means you need to know the workings, and prove that you can.
- If you don't know at least most of the pseudo HTML, don't apply.
- If you don't know how to use the forums, don't apply.
- If you're not planning on using the forums, don't apply.
- If you're not sure of the rules, don't apply.

2) You need to be able to read and write English well.
- Plz dun typ lyke dis
- We don't require perfect English, but you have to at least be able to make legible English that others can easily understand.

3) Your goals should agree with Elfpack's. If you want to go berserk on everyone who looks ugly, then don't apply!
- Crew members have to be at least somewhat nice and professional.
- Crew members need to be able to keep a cool control over their emotions and thoughts.
- Crew members should be able to make unbiased decisions without putting their friends' first in every situation.

4) You should have proven yourself. As written above, you don't need any permission to do most stuff here on Elfpack. Even if you only have created the Best Fake Cybering Competition, are running the forum "Lesbian hairdressers" that no one uses and have written a pretty bad report, it's better than someone who just says they can do all this, but never has.
- Write in forums! Use them, if only to comment on Mainstuff news and say hello.
- Enter contests, official or non-official.
- Be nice and helpful to other members; answer questions they may ask on wiki-pages.
- Create wiki-pages, with HTML and good design.

5) You should explain what you will do as a member of the crew and for how long. Note: We don't want newbies that get all excited by Elfpack for a month and then will get tired of it. Therefore, people who have been for a long time, are generally better.
- We want to know what you can bring to the Elfpack Crew that we don't have currently.
- We want to know what you're good at, your talents, and what you think you'd be best at.
- We want to know what official jobs you think we should give you.
- Do NOT try to apply to be one of the following: Guards, Custodians, Warden, Deputy Warden or Ambassadore Exilios!

6) You should be able to get along with the crazy people in the crew, and have a great patience with people.
- [Stephen] doesn't really like suck ups.
- No one likes assholes, narcissists or intolerable people.
- Patience is a virtue that you must possess.

7) You should think this is fun!

8) If you can come up with an eighth point, it shows that you have ideas. We have ideas and a lot of them, the problem is finding hard-working people who will take an idea and make it fun for Elfpack members.
- Ideas are good!
- However, people who can take an idea and put it on a page are even better.
- Go check out the Contractors Office.



No, there is no deadline. This goes on forever and good applications get picked at any time we need help. If you don't get picked, that can be either because we're not so sure about you, or we don't need more help at the moment.

But: We will not answer questions about what's wrong with you or your application! If we have something to say, then you'll hear from us.


Accepted Applications

These people were recently accepted for the positions they applied for. You can use these for inspiration for your own application, or even try to do better.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> madness? this is wolvie!!!! for crew - [wolvie]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Flisky's Application - [Flisky
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Cloud for Council - [Cloud Natiion]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Kally for Crew! - [Raiyr]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> sammie h! for crew - [sammie h!]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Deggles for Crew - [Deg]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> sammie h! for council - [sammie h!]


Where to apply?

Right here!
Write the link to your campaign-wiki-page and username below:

I Believe in Harvey Dent! - [idunnosomething]


Go or return to:
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Council
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Hell of the Insane
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Wiki-Index
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Help-Index

Username (or number or email):


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2005-07-29 [Love like Winter.]: I dunno... I finally bought the sims2 uni EP. Hehehe.

2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: yer i read it in your dairy, i dont really like sims

2005-07-29 [Love like Winter.]: Why not??? O,O

2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: it doent do any thing for me, lol, im a real guy i like blowing things up or shoting things

2005-07-29 [Love like Winter.]: Ok..... love my simmies! ^_^ they rock :D

2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: yer i bet, lol HALO for me

2005-07-29 [DenDen]: O.o *leaps on aj* ello!

2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: Whoever made this page on ET, good idea, it creates changes ;-)

2005-07-29 [spiritee]: *pondering* mmm~ i'm actually surprised there aren't more people signing up one after another ^^

2005-07-29 [Nevermore.]: they will, there probally all making there pages first and then adding i did

2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: Well, mine is just a joke acually, I think you people should know that ;)

2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: LOL everybody copied my deviders ;)

2005-07-29 [Tear]: NOT ME! ***dividers

2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: Well, they're not mine...

2005-07-29 [Tear]: I know what you meant, though.

2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: Relax 0_o

2005-07-29 [Tear]: Relax? I am relaxed. I am having fun, lol.

2005-07-29 [Ajsinnott]: *puff* im bk

2005-07-30 [DenDen]: hey you! not everybody copied your dividers :>

2005-07-30 [Ajsinnott]: lol kool

2005-07-30 [Love like Winter.]: I only used the "hr" code as a divider o,O

2005-07-30 [Dwemer]: Long live:


2005-07-30 [Tear]: Lol, yes, the

tag is very handy, lol

2005-07-30 [Dwemer]: Long live the one who made it ! :P

2005-07-30 [Tear]: Now I have no clue who the person was who did that. Maybe that should be a trivia question, lol. The origin of HTML.

2005-07-30 [Love like Winter.]: Ooooh, that would be a tricky trivia...

2005-07-30 [Tear]: Dela For Dictator lol!!!

2005-07-31 [DenDen]: whoa this is growing!

2005-07-31 [Tear]: Yes, why yes it is. Imagine that. people want power, lol.

2005-07-31 [DenDen]: lol and a shitload of it

2005-07-31 [Tear]: Aye, well, I have an application, I shouldn't criticize the people up there, lol. Would seem a bit hypocritical of me, eh?

2005-07-31 [DenDen]: lol not exactly!

2005-07-31 [Ajsinnott]: my opineion on the

is that it rocks, but some wikis like to use over deviders like mine :)

2005-07-31 [mantooth]: hi elect me

2005-08-01 [Stephen]: Hmmm... you know, you don't really have to apply... you just need to find something that you think would help, and then do it. Then you tell the crew about it. As to becoming a guard/council, you must be trusted by the current crew, not just ask...

2005-08-01 [Sunrose]: sexy_lady04 for crew is an empty page.. >.>

2005-08-01 [Ajsinnott]: lol what is the point in an empty page

2005-08-01 [Tear]: Hold up, since when was my application a not so serious one?

2005-08-01 [Ajsinnott]: lol

2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Who said so ?

2005-08-01 [Tear]: Unless she meant that it was not being taken seriously, or they weren't seriously considering me.

2005-08-01 [Tear]: Look up there, Joost. Where it says not so serious applications. It has both of mine up, yours, and a few others.

2005-08-01 [Ajsinnott]: aww

2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: [Dwemer] is already crew mine is just silly as is [Stephen]'s

2005-08-01 [Sunrose]: Well I was told you weren't really serious about the content in your application. If I was told wrong, then please place it back and then I am sorry for the confusion. It is just annoying if I have to read something, to then find out it was a joke :)

2005-08-01 [Tear]: Alrighty then, will do.

2005-08-01 [Ajsinnott]: lol

2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Sorry [Sunrose] ;)

2005-08-01 [DenDen]: O.o

2005-08-01 [Ajsinnott]: o.O

2005-08-03 [sotalean]: O.o What are we staring at?

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: ?

2005-08-03 [sotalean]: *stares at the question*

2005-08-04 [Homewrecker]: *blinks*

2005-08-04 [Tear]: Oh dear, I think that you all might need to find a better hobby.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *grins* But what if staring at a question allows us to have a break from the harsh reality of life?

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Then by all means, continue, though I don't believe that it is very good for your eyes, lol.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *smiles* Well is staring at an apple pie any better?

2005-08-05 [Tear]: That depends, are you talking about the other meaning for apple pie or a real apple pie? lol.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *ponders this with some real thought* What if I said both?

2005-08-05 [Tear]: I am hoping that you are talking about the use of the term apple pie from American Pie, lol, because then I would do it gladly, depending on whose it was. The other, well... I can pass on the food.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: You mean you just use your apple pie instead of eating it too? O.o

2005-08-05 [Tear]: I do both, lol! My lord, I can't believe I am having a conversation like this with a female. This is really fun.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *grins evilly* Well I'm not the average female. I tend to be rather.. odd minded. ^_~

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Aye, I love perverted women, lol. makes me feel more comfortable with myself knowing women are like that too, lol.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *laughs* Well some are... I'm the sort of girl that laughed at Land of the Dead. :P

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Oh my lord, I need to marry you!

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Hehe.. Sorry hun but that jobs taken already by Shadow. ^_~

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Oh darn. I am already e-married as well to [Ellyn] but she has like three other husbands, lol. She and I practice polygamy online.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: It's actually not an e-marriage. O.o He's my boyfriend in life. :P

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: So honey... how about Land of the Dead? Have you seen it??

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Lol, that makes sense as well. my lover isn't on Elfpack. Land of the dead, no, but I have seen Dawn of the Dead, and all of the house of the dead movies, even the originals, and I thought those were funny as hell.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Ah man. I was in tears at the theatre when we went to go see it. Best part of Land of the Dead (spoiler to a point but funny!) "Zombies are people too..."

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Lol, I have got to get it on dvd to add to my collection of "horror movies that are funny".

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Oh! Get... *tries to remember* DNA. Now that's a stupid/funny horror movie. ^_^

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Never heard of it... I will search for a bit torrent of it to download, then I can watch it in a few hours.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Awesome. :P It's basically one of those 'experimental DNA gone bad and turned into a monster in the middle of the jungle where a group of hot young stars happen to be and die miserably in the course of the evolution of the DNA' sort of movie. *smiles*

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Lol! Wow, that sounds extremely cheesy. Almost like how 28 days later was.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Basically. *laughs* It's a hilarious movie with bad/cheesy gore effects. :p

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Oiy, I think this will be fun. i just have to wait for all these songs I am downloading right now to finish. I was doing techno songs and now i am doing old soul songs like from Marvin Gaye and Luther Vandross.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: That's awesome! Umm.. *thinks* Try Beano if you like the 40's jazz stuff

2005-08-05 [Tear]: OH! Is that like big band/jazz or like jazz-jazz? I am looking for suggestions on songs of any genre, really.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Oh it's jazz jazz.

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Goodie! Wait, now that I am thinking of that, I could download some Kenny G.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: That would be sweet. What about.. Sublime?

2005-08-05 [Tear]: What song from Sublime? I already have a lot of their songs.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Date Rape is my fav at the moment. 

2005-08-05 [Tear]: I think I already have it. lol, I had to read that twice to understand what you meant, hee hee hee.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *laughs* yes right.. because you know.. I just love being date raped. *rolls her eyes skeptically* ^_~

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Well, if you ever have the hankering, justy give me a call, lol. Maybe I should start downloading Disney Songs, lol.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *coughs* I have 12 cd's of disney songs download. *shifty eyes*

2005-08-05 [Tear]: I love Disney songs, lol. *searches for more Disney songs* any suggestions, darlin'?

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: *ponders* Stuff from Mulan is good, Lion King is a given, Tarzan has some good songs too...

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: aristocats. ^^

2005-08-05 [Tear]: I have the ones that i like from mulan and the lion king already, I have a few songs from tarzan. Aladin? ummm... I am trying to think of other movies.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Beauty and the Beast, Dumbo, Bambi for orchestra stuff, Mary Poppins, Hunchback of Notre Dame "I ask for nothing"

2005-08-05 [Tear]: OoOoO, goody goody goody! Not Mary poppins. Umm... the others I am searching for as soon as my other songs are done. I downloaded 200 and something songs already today.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Dang hun.. it's not like the songs are gonna run away you know. :P

2005-08-05 [Tear]: The torrent reader I am using depends on which people have it and I get it from others, meaning those who i am downloading it from have to be online for me to get it. If they sign off, it will cancel the download, lol.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: No I get that. :P I use Azerus constantly. ^^

2005-08-05 [Tear]: I have some awkward bit torrent reader, but it is fairly fast, so I stick with it. anywho, it is 2:45 in the morning, and I have to be at work at 7:30 in the morning, so I must go now. Ciao darling.

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: See ya hun. ^^ *waves* Have fun at work and remember your apple pie!

2005-08-05 [Dwemer]: lol, I use Torrent all the time too ;)

2005-08-05 [sotalean]: Torrents are beautiful little pies. *smiles*

2005-08-05 [Dwemer]: *smiles* They most certainly are!

2005-08-09 [iCh3wi]: Hey Debb, sorry I didnt answer your question. If you go look now you will see.

2005-08-09 [*_*]: hey all whats uo

2005-08-10 [Goodbye EP]: *listens to queens of the stone age* Hehehe...everything's gay. S0 gay. *happy=gay you know*

2005-08-10 [*_*]: lolok

2005-08-12 [DenDen]: TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2005-08-13 [mr rogers colostomy bag]: You guys need to have a door greeter position I would be on that

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Hey, that isn't a bad idea, lol. Like an official noob greeter. That would be cool.

2005-08-13 [*_*]: that would be cool

2005-08-13 [Tear]: We could have like a team of those! Either that, or have Hedda set up an automatic greeting for members, and then at the end, have a list of members who help noobs

2005-08-14 [*_*]: yes that wopuld be soo so cool i would love to do it

2005-08-14 [mr rogers colostomy bag]: Yes but the door greeter has to be horribly deformed or old and decripid like Wal-Mart

2005-08-14 [¿thomas?]: Heh. if this door greeter thing gets started whoa if possible can i help in anyway?

2005-08-14 [*_*]: hey i work for wal-mart

2005-08-18 [crying asleep]: crying asleep for crew

2005-08-18 [Tear]: I am deleting sexy_lady04 for crew. I messaged her, and she responded, but she hasn't put anything up in her appliction for the past week or so.

2005-08-24 [Ajsinnott]: hey someones moved my one and whoever it was needs to be banned

2005-08-26 [bluesoulsearcher]: lol

2005-08-26 [Amalaswinta]: fixed :)

2005-08-26 [Ajsinnott]: [Amalaswinta] who was it

2005-08-26 [Amalaswinta]: someone who added her own entry and deleted yours. I sent her a warning and restored your entry :)

2005-08-27 [Pussycat]: I was going to put in an application, but someone already did for me :O

2005-08-27 [Ajsinnott]: kool :)

2005-09-29 [shadow#1]: I'm guessing i should delete myself from this page since it's been three months since i posted my application

2005-09-30 [Amalaswinta]: [shadow#1]: why would you do that?

2005-09-30 [FireWing]: Ahem sorry if I'm snoopy but wasent [Love like Winter.] in the cult BEFORE this crew thing started? Just wondering please don't get mad at me for asking.

2005-10-01 [Zab]: Oh... I want to apply! eh..*shrugs* but I'm only here when ET is that would be stupid...*sighs* anyhow, good luck everybody. :)

2005-10-17 [partygurl]: I want to become a elfpack guard

2005-10-18 [Zab]: Then apply.^^

2005-11-15 [I LOVE GINO!!]: can i be a guard

2005-11-16 [cobalt_cyntex]: why don't you all apply?1 and stop asking the nice people to do it for you?! ^_^

2005-12-04 [aarron]: can i be a guard

2005-12-04 [SimpleAnnie]: apply and see why doncha ;-)

2005-12-04 [Amalaswinta]: ooh ooh ooh can I be a guard??? can I can I can I????

2005-12-04 [Predator Elder21]: Being a guard is not all its cracked up to be. it takes a bit of work and alot of patience. lol i cant talk im not a guard but its my opinion.

2005-12-04 [SimpleAnnie]: lol u are a guard and a good one at that :P

2005-12-04 [Firenze]: Aye that is true [SimpleAnnie]

2005-12-04 [Amalaswinta]: ;-P

2005-12-04 [Firenze]: Yup Yup Yup *wonders over to Elf12*

2005-12-07 [SimpleAnnie]: wth

2005-12-07 [Firenze]: hehehe...

2005-12-07 [SimpleAnnie]: i was all like woah! and they were all like woah! and then i was all like woooooah

2005-12-07 [Firenze]: And I am like wow all sarcastic like :P

2005-12-07 [skullhead]: hehehe.....

2006-01-10 [itweetinHEELS]: all the people that are apart of the crew, we're already apart of the elfpack crew in other ways,thats why they get accepted more than the citizens of elfpack who actually try to become part of the crew. Seems like favoritism to me.

2006-01-10 [Big Brother]: well maybe if you got involved, voluneeded to do stuff and such you may get somewhere.....we aren't going to put someone on crew who we know little about because they don't help out.

2006-01-10 [Big Brother]: try contacting owners of different official wiki's and try to find something you can help with, look at some title that can be earned and try to get anything really. it all helps you get noticed.

2006-01-10 [Jen-Bunny]: yeah, i kind of agree with her because i've been working in the Et wiki index and even there, its really hard to get into the crew.

2006-01-10 [Big Brother]: ya in ET, there isn't really hard to get anywhere. here it's a bit easier

2006-01-10 [Sunrose]: If someone is helping out, I don't see why we should not accept them. They get favoured over others, because they actually do stuff. They don't get favoured because I or the Council like them better.

2006-01-11 [Jen-Bunny]: yeah i work for Et alot, but i'm not going to quit on being a crew.

2006-01-11 [Orestez]: If being accepted on the council was based on favoritism, I doubt I would be on it, lol. *wink* love ya Debby

2006-01-11 [Big Brother]: ya same, sunny hates me lol. only keeps me around to laugh at!!!

2006-01-11 [Sunrose]: *laughs* :P

2006-01-11 [skullhead]: Lucky you didn’t start a revolution against the guards 

2006-01-11 [Big Brother]: revolution? not a bad idea! *goes and plays DDR* (for some reason lots of ppl. like to think DDR is D&'s not!!!! i had to correct 5 ppl. today alone. it's short for Dance Dance Revotution)

2006-01-11 [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ]: what did you say to her? since you say you asked.

2006-01-11 [skullhead]: If you want to continue this conversation you will go to the guards wiki and make a full report if not you must address to me in privet messages and if I fill like spiking to you I will answer your questions

2006-01-12 [SimpleAnnie]: that was kinda harsh O.o.

2006-01-12 [Sunrose]: I can't even follow the conversation, what things are to be taken to the Guardswiki or PM??

2006-01-12 [skullhead]: If the member thinks it is important he or she will a proper procedure

2006-01-12 [SimpleAnnie]: they didn't understand they were just asking, not fileing a report

2006-01-12 [Sunrose]: The proper procedure for what? [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ] asked what [Big Brother] said to me that made me hate him. Which I don't, but she took his comment seriously. Why would [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ] then have to PM or put it on the Guardswiki when it doesn't even involve her? She was just asking as [SimpleAnnie] said.

2006-01-12 [Big Brother]: well you may not hate me but i know you laugh at me ^_^

2006-01-12 [Sunrose]: How so? :p

2006-01-12 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... I *think* [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ] is talking about an unrelated topic that she has asked [skullhead] about before ... ? I'm conffused as well.

2006-01-13 [Big Brother]: oh i know you do sunny!

2006-01-13 [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ]: No,actually i was asking [skullhead] why he went into our wiki and put porno pics in there. Neither of the members appreciate that. But he put it back in the original state.

2006-01-13 [zoloftzantac]: umm ... yes! This *is* an unrelated topic (having nothing to do with existing topics) I really find it hard to believe, especially since you have also accused me in a private message of killing the Wiki Directory after I restored it. (your words were, "so you like to fuck up ppl's wiki's,eh?" Letter number: 10503162 )

2006-01-13 [Sunrose]: Wow okay, odd way to bring that subject up.....but I doubt [skullhead] would do that indeed.. // [Big Brother]: *poke*!

2006-01-13 [Big Brother]: *evil glare* go ahead and poke, have your fun! but when you least expect it...........ok i got nothing, guess i'll always have to take your abuse.

2006-01-14 [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ]: well i wouldnt lie about him doing that but he did and then after i complained about it he put it back the way it was.

2006-01-14 [zoloftzantac]: If whatever happened really bothered you, then you should report it. (like [skullhead] said to do) Trying to soil his name all over elfpack isn't very cool.

2006-01-14 [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ]: I have not "soiled" his name everywhere,if i did i'd be writing it everywhere,smartass.

2006-01-14 [zoloftzantac]: I have no way of knowing whom you have talked to about this. My point was, I do not believe that your public accusation was appropriate. (Also, I do not appreciate your attitude, or your name calling)

2006-01-15 [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ]: you'll get over it.

2006-01-15 [SimpleAnnie]: well that's rude, you really shouldn't be talking to a council member that way

2006-01-15 [Sunrose]: *sighs* either [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ] makes a report or stops complaining. That way we can all move on.

2006-01-15 [Jen-Bunny]: lol she's as rude as her sister

2006-01-26 [Lust]: Bubble!

2006-01-26 [Sunrose]: Niuuu!

2006-01-26 [SimpleAnnie]: Booger!

2006-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: i should so do would be funny...^^

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: *bans [RabidSphinx]*

2006-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: ha, j/k ofcourse, you know I love ya, but why was that so fun to say ... :)

2006-01-27 [RabidSphinx]: i follow the UARs but i'm sure i would be blacklisted due to can i put this lightly...."just aren't behaving"... :P i try and behave, people just make it so HARD when they bothing me while i'm zoning in my wikis...><;

2006-01-30 [Tear]: And still I wait... Congrats Kelly.

2006-01-30 [SimpleAnnie]: congratulations on the becoming a guard!!!! *claps*

2006-01-30 [Sunrose]: [Firenze] already had the privs so it is a bit different.

2006-01-31 [skullhead]: congratulations [Firenze].

2006-01-31 [Zab]: Congrats! :P Had the privs?

2006-01-31 [Firenze]: Yeah I already had guard privs for one of my jobs ^_^ And thanks for the congrats people ^_^

2006-01-31 [zoloftzantac]: heh, I think he asking what the heck are privs ...

2006-01-31 [Firenze]: Probably...

2006-01-31 [Sunrose]: Nah all people here right now know what they are :p

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